iDesign - Advanced Custom Wavefront LASIK
iDesign - The Most Advanced CustomVue Wavefront System

LASIK Powered by iDesign LASIK is Similar to Technology used in NASA Telescopes!
The Orange County LASIK Institute has now upgraded our iLASIK and PRK technology to iDesign. This innovative custom
and wavefront guided technology allows us to treat lower and higher order aberrations (imperfections) in the human
visual system. This technology has been used by NASA! The development of the sensor technology within the
iDESIGN System was the result of an earlier discovery by Abbott scientists. NASA used this technology to accurately
measure and shape the mirrors in the James Webb Space Telescope to ensure it would transmit high resolution images
of deep space back to earth. The James Webb Space Telescope launched in 2018.
What is iDesign Customized LASIK?

*The Orange County LASIK Institute's Actual iDesign Unit
The idesign is involved in the first step of your procedure. It is part of wave scan technology where a specialized
sensor measures and maps your eye. This information is then used to deliver a completely custom iLASIK procedure.
This wavefront guided technology is used to map your eye's lower and higher order aberrations and then treat them
with the laser.
The idesign is able to get 5 different types of measurements in 3 seconds:
- Wavefront Refraction (Your myopia and Astigmastism Measurements)
- Wavefront Aberrometry (Higher Order
- Corneal Topography (Corneal Shape)
- Keratometry (Corneal Steepness)
- Pupillometry
(Pupil size in low and bright light conditions)
Key Advantages of iDesign Over Other LASIK Technologies
5X the Resolution!
- High definition Hartmann-Shack sensor with 5x the resolution versus the WaveScan system
- 1257 micro refractions over a 7 mm pupil
- Larger wavefront measurement, up to 8.5 mm
- This increased resolution allows us to capture more points to create a more detailed and customized map of your
- The measurements are up to 25X the resolution that is normally used when you get measured for glasses and
The image is comparing the wavescan of the sample key placed over the artificial eye. As you can see, the capture of
more refractions (measurements) in the iDesign allows for a more accurate mapping of the key.
However, the iDesign is not approved for all prescriptions. Dr. Pham will be happy to discuss with you which
technology (CustomVue or iDesign) is best and FDA approved for your prescription.
More LASIK Candidates - We Can Treat LARGER Prescriptions and MORE Astigmatism
iDesign Measures and Treats A Large Range of Patients:


REFERENCE: 1. Data on file: Myopia US IDE Study 110-IDMY. Additional Patient Reported Outcome Analyses. (N=170
Image Caption: At 6 months after surgery, nearsighted patients in a clinical study reported the following: 97% were satisfied with their vision, majority of people acheived 20/16 vor better vision, 99% were not limited in active sports or outdoor activities, 99% had little or no difficulty with the clarity of their vision, and 93% had little to no difficulty driving at night.
iDesign 2.0 Upgrade
The Orange County LASIK Insitute is proud to offer OC's first idesign 2.0 upgrade. We were one of the first in the
nation to offer this upgrade on proven technology. iDesign 2.0 improves upon previous custom guided technology.
Learn more by clicking the link below.
iDesign 2.0 Video
Improvements include:
- Combining full Gradiant topography to custom guided wavefront technology to treate more custom characteristics
of the eye. This is the only system that combines these two technologies
- Increased range of monovision treatments for patients 45 years of age and beyond
- Improved capture sequences for more natural measurements
- Improved fixation targets for decreased accommodation
Indications and Important Safety Information
ATTENTION: Reference the Directions for Use for a complete listing of Indications and Important Safety
INDICATIONS: The STAR S4 IR® Excimer Laser System and iDESIGN® Advanced WaveScan Studio System is indicated for
wavefront‑guided laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) in patients with myopia as measured iDESIGN® System
up to -11.00 D spherical equivalent, with up to
-5.00 D cylinder; with agreement between manifest refraction
(adjusted for optical infinity) and iDESIGN® System refraction of 1) spherical equivalent: magnitude of the
difference is less than 0.625 D, and 2) cylinder: magnitude of the difference is less than or equal to 0.5 D; with
patients 18 years of age or older, and with refractive stability (a change of ≤1.0 D in sphere or cylinder for a
minimum of 12 months prior to surgery).
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Laser refractive surgery is contraindicated in patients with a) collagen vascular,
autoimmune, or immunodeficiency diseases; b) pregnant or nursing women; c) keratoconus, abnormal corneal topography,
epithelial basement membrane disease (EBMD) and degenerations of the structure of the cornea; d) symptoms of
significant dry eyes; e) corneal thickness would cause anticipated treatment would violate the posterior 250 microns
(μm) of corneal stroma; f) advanced glaucoma; and g) uncontrolled diabetes. If the patients have severely dry
eyes, LASIK may increase the dryness. This may or may not go away. Severe eye dryness may delay healing
of the flap or interfere with the surface of the eye after surgery. It may result in poor vision after
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS: LASIK is not recommended in patients who: a) have a history of Herpes simplex or Herpes
zoster keratitis, b) have severe allergies or tendency rub their eyes often, c) are taking the medication
Isotretinoin (Accutane), d) are taking antimetabolites for any medical conditions. The safety and
effectiveness of this laser for LASIK correction have NOT been established in patients: a) with progressive
refractive errors; previous corneal or intraocular surgery; or trauma in the ablation zone, b) who are taking the
medication Sumatriptan (Imitrex) or Amiodarone hydrochloride (Cordarone), c) with corneal neovascularization within
1.0 mm of the ablation zone, d) over the long term (more than 1 year after surgery), e) for patients who engage in
activities that could endanger or damage the LASIK flap, f) for patients who have a family history of degenerative
corneal disease, g) history of inflammation of eye, h) for patients who have a history of crossed eyes (strabismus)
or who have undergone strabismus surgery, i) prior LASIK or Refractive Surgery, j) with history of any eye diseases
or abnormalities such as: corneal scars or active disease, k) whose BSCVA is worse than 20/20.
To reduce the risk of corneal ectasia, the posterior 250 microns (μm) of corneal stroma should not be violated. The
treatment of highly myopic eyes necessitates the removal of significant amounts of corneal tissue. The iDESIGN®
System calculates the estimated residual bed depth using the pachymetry and intended flap thickness entered by the
user. Actual flap thicknesses may vary. If the estimated residual stromal bed is ≤ 320 microns, an in-the-bed
pachymetric measurement should be performed.
ADVERSE EVENTS: Possible adverse events include loss of best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), serious
Transient Light Sensitivity Syndrome, serious primary open angle glaucoma, miscreated flap, melting of the flap,
severe glare, and severe dry eyes. Complications can include corneal edema, epithelial ingrowth, diffuse
lamellar keratitis, foreign body sensation, and pain.
CAUTION: U.S. Federal Law restricts this device to sale, distribution, and use by or on the order of a
physician or other licensed eye care practitioner.
©2016 Abbott Medical Optics Inc. STAR S4 IR, iDESIGN, WaveScan, iLASIK, and iFS trademarks owned by or licensed
to Abbott Laboratories, its subsidiaries or affiliates. PP2016RF0090
©Original website content copyrighted by the Orange County LASIK Institute
The Orange County LASIK Institute
3500 Barranca Parkway Suite 150
Irvine , CA 92618
Orange County LASIK Institute Home Page